Experience a unique blend of walks,
culinary adventures, and entertainment.

Spring weather in Western Newfoundland can be pleasant though unpredictable.  For your comfort, warm layers and a waterproof jacket are recommended.

May is a wonderful time to observe wildlife in Gros Morne National Park. Moose are a common sight as they wander out from the protection of the forest to roadside meadows for new shoots of springtime vegetation. Minke whales make their way back to Bonne Bay, their summer feeding grounds. If you are a birder, May is a great time to see bald eagles, osprey, terns and the many songbirds return from their southern wintering grounds.

Most walking and hiking trails in Gros Morne National Park are snow-free and some wildflowers and shrubs are in bloom. This time of year offers spectacular views of bays, fjords, volcanic rock shores and coastal lowlands contrasted with snow-capped mountains. Explore these areas on your own, take a boat tour or join a guided sea kayaking, bicycling, walking or hiking tour.This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department

Extend your stay and venture up the Great Northern Peninsula to see icebergs. May is one of the best months to see these majestic natural ice sculptures!

For more information on the Gros Morne National Park region visit one of the links below.
  • For 12 of the past 14 years my wife and I have attended this wonderful small festival. It started as a whim amongst friends having got wind of the first one. We heard enough to want to attend the second. Then it became an annual treat; to go to Norris Point, Bonne Bay each May for what seems the beginning of the summer season. In fact summer in Newfoundland doesn’t begin in May, sometimes it’s a reluctant spring but usually the warmth is enough to make you imagine the snows are behind us while the sun gets stronger. Some days can be cold. That’s why we know it’s May, it may be ok, it may not. Weather here is always unpredictable and that makes doing things more adventurous. At the festival however there accompanies each person and event a certainty that warmth is coming with the days growing longer.
    Kevin Blackmore
  • The spring feeling in Norris Point has its own character. The town itself is largely unsullied by ostentatiousness and development. It’s a unique small rural community and it retains much of its original look and charm shaped by the resources from woods and water.
    Kevin Blackmore
  • I love the fact that this festival is small and totally integrated into the community. Gros Morne National Park and its staff are a big part of the whole event. That ties the place, its geography, geology and ecology of the whole region into the celebration. The local businesses and people throw themselves into the effort and every facility gets used to its maximum. Visitors come from all over Canada and the USA to experience what a warm tight community feels like. Generosity and great hospitality mark the disposition of citizens from the area and there is always a feeling of being welcome and experiencing something special.
    Kevin Blackmore
  • Whether one goes as a performer, or just a person who likes to attend sessions, or to experience the place and partake in the events the festival never gets old. My wife and I have gone for so many that we have a whole other set of friends we get to see but once a year. For us the festival is part of our May and really it wouldn’t seem right to skip it. Life just wouldn’t be the same.
    Kevin Blackmore
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